From Recess and Distress, Here we see the development of a child prodigy.
From Recess and Distress, here we are introduced to the literacy sponsor who pushed the student to do better.
From Passion for Writing, where the student did not let boring topics stop them from loving to write.
From Passion for writing, the student became a success narrative because they did not let setbacks hold them back.
From Turn around The student deals with constant rejection and becomes a victim.
From Turn around, the students sponsor which was the teacher who always gave them poor and unclear feedback and gave them bad grades on every assignment even when they did their best. Creating a victim.
from expect the unexpected, The sponsor was hard on their work, however instead of becoming a victim they had success.
From expect the unexpected, the student discusses how important their paper was and that they were extremely proud of how much effort they put into the paper. Had lots of confidence in that the teacher will give a good review.