Haas Reading Questions 1

Haas starts her article saying that to become a literate college student you need to master the idea of being able to readand interact with very complex text. She explains this further when she discusses the use of autonomous, which is what students tend to see a scientific text as and do not interact with it. Haas … [Read more…]

Reflecting on Revision paper 1- September 27th

Introduction: What did you change? In the introduction, I changed the last few sentences, which was my thesis, I first made sure it was not a run on sentence. Then I reorganized my thoughts of what the paper was going to be about. As well as make it clear that I agree with Cuddy and that it … [Read more…]

4 Moves, Gee and Cuddy

do with something less when the real thing is not available. […] Mushfake Discourse means partial acquisition coupled with meta-knowledge and strategies to make do.” (Gee, 13) I agree with Gee’s idea here because the idea of using outside and or past information has always proven to make you more successful. When you are trying … [Read more…]

Task I – Revision Planning

As I was writing my draft for paper one, I was worried about, not being able to make all of my ideas in an order that would make sense to the reader. As well as placing the quotes with a detailed introduction and have an in-depth commentary. What my peers liked most about my paper was … [Read more…]

Connecting Gee and Cuddy; Starting They say I say.

3. Gee’s first theorem is stating that you cannot be part of a discourse unless you can fluently speak in that discourse. You must be a member of this discourse from the beginning of your lifetime. This could be controversial because Gee is causing a separation in different ways that people talk which connect to … [Read more…]

Homework for September 6th

    Questions:       Gee, writes about how linguistics is not something that can be taught, “While you can teach someone linguistics, a body of knowledge, you can’t teach them to be a linguist.” (7) He is saying that you can have the facts and the rules but no one can teach how … [Read more…]