Recursive process

During the revision process, I always look over the organization of my paper if it makes sense or not. As well as going over my ideas and sentence structure, to see if I need to add more descriptions. I also tend to add more information when I am revising because most of the time I find in my rough draft that I summarize more than I analyze what the author is saying. Lastly, I make sure I have integrated my ideas into the paper.

Introduction: In this paper, my rough introduction does not have a clear thesis, this is one of the first things I revise.

Evidence and Explanation: In this paper, my rough draft is missing important evidence as well as most of my explanations are summaries and not engaging with the quote.

Reorganization: In this paper, I have one paragraph which should be two paragraph and my last idea in the paragraph should be before my second idea.

New paragraphs: I added three new paragraphs, I noticed that I needed another paragraph to fully back my thesis. As well as made one paragraph in two, and last I rewrote my conclusion.

Final draft link for paper 3:


Rough draft for paper 3:
