Case Study Self Reflection
For this case study, I looked at Colorado college’s incentive program for creating sustainability inclusive and focused learning that can tie into the other programs on campus. I am extremely impressed by what the university has been able to do with the program and how enthusiastic the faculty is about participating. The university has been able to show their ideas about being a good global citizen into sustainable teaching and practices. Specifically with their recent winners of the grant who are looking at the textile industry and are getting the campus involved. This success Colorado college demonstrates how important it is to create programs that encourage professors to develop their own ideas and projects.
Currently, UNE does not have something set up like this, however, our campus has the resources and the community that would take an incentive like this with great excitement and positivity. I feel if UNE found a grant program that works for the university we could really make lots of changes to our campus community. I am looking forward to creating our project proposal because there is a real chance for change on our campus.
Reflection on project Proposal Rough draft
The project proposal was writing separately with me and my partner Hannah turning in two separate proposals. However, before writing the rough draft we called each other and went through each question on the environmental council sheet as well as the project rubric and made sure we wrote down the key points to elaborate on that covered each important point made on the rubric.
I had the Environmental council project proposal open on my computer and Hannah had the rubric open, we would discuss what we wanted to say while Hannah made a bullet list for each topic. My rough draft may need a lot of correction for grammar as well as some elaboration and structure for certain questions. However, it is a good start for us to review and edit for a clean final draft.
Reflection on Final Project Proposal Draft:
After receiving the rough draft feedback I pulled up the edits my Professor gave me on my rough draft for the project proposal, I then had my document open side by side so I could read and make the corrections to my project while looking at the edits. I then had a peer look over the proposal after I had completed making the changes that were suggested or I felt I neeeded to edit.
The feedback I was given was very useful and it made it very easy to make corrections. I also agree with the changes that needed to be made. For example my justification was weak and it needed more of a stronger argument which was the most difficult part of the proposal for me to edit. I am now happy with the final draft.